Partnership Services FAQs

Is their a cost to use Partnership Services?

Partnership Services is a free consultative service provided to UC Berkeley departments, campus groups, and registered student organizations. Partnership Services will do our best to support all groups that connect with our department; however, priority will be given in the order in which our department was contacted. Connect with the Partnership Services team to get started today.

How long does the process take?

The Partnership Services team will work with you to develop a strategy and timeline that best meets your needs and availability. Our team recommends campus groups contact the Partnership Services team at least six months out from a desired sponsorship opportunity or event. This will give our team the necessary time to help you develop a strategy, evaluate internal elements and create sponsorship packages, prior to reaching out to potential sponsors.

More information can be found at Our Services and How it Works.

Can packages include in-kind and/or monetary sponsorships?

Yes, sponsorship packages can accommodate in-kind support, monetary support, or a blend of the two. Partnership Services will meet with you to understand and define your organizational needs and goals. From there, our team will guide you in the development of customized packages that provide support for your priority initiatives and programs.

How much are elements worth? 

Sponsorship packages vary based on a number of elements, including but not limited to availability of departmental assets and opportunities, length of sponsorships (one-time vs. annual), audience size, and industry sponsor. Our team will help you identify and define the value of common elements, as well as any unique assets that could be used to build out your sponsorship packages.

Does campus take any of the sponsorship revenue or will my unit receive all of the funds?

UC Berkeley charges an "administrative full costing" (AFC) fee on all external revenue, including sponsorship payments. This fee is intended to reimburse central campus departments for administrative costs incurred in support of external revenue generating activities.

The current AFC fee is set at 9%. Departments and organizations are encouraged to account for this fee when pricing their sponsorship opportunities. The relevant policy and fee collection is not controlled by UBPS. UBPS does not charge any additional fees. For more information, please refer to UC Berkeley Policy on Administrative Full Costing.

Is a contract or formal agreement required? If so, who do we work with to create one?

Yes, departments and organizations should have a signed agreement prior to any activation by the campus group. Once departments have secured a potential sponsor(s), they should work with Business Contracts and Brand Protection to develop and execute their sponsorship contracts.