Partnership Services provides complimentary consultation to UC Berkeley departments and campus groups looking to develop or broaden sponsor engagement. Our team is here to guide you through every step of the sponsorship process, providing you and your team the necessary support in developing sponsorship opportunities that meet your needs and goals
See below for a listing and description of our services:
Developing a sponsorship strategy
We offer free consultation services to campus departments and campus groups who seek guidance throughout the sponsorship process. Whether you are starting from scratch or need advice on a specific opportunity, our team will help you create a strategy to guide you through the steps to securing a successful sponsorship.
Identifying your sponsorship elements
We work with departments, campus groups, and registered student organizations to identify, define, and review internal elements that could be integrated into engaging packages for potential sponsors.
Developing a sponsorship package
After your elements have been evaluated and defined, our team will assist you with the development of customized packages that can provide support for your group's priority initiatives and programs. From a one-time event supporter to an annual program sponsor, we can guide you on how best to build a comprehensive package.